Simple Crystal Grids

Clear your tools

Cleanse your grid template, crystals, activator quartz, and self with intention, sage, palo santo, or sound. 

 Set the energy

To focus the energy of your mind on your crystal grid work and to call in the clean energy, light a white candle and call in the protection of the Archangels.

Crystal Choice

For an intentional grid, choose just 2-3 different types of crystals. Decide on the intention of your grid and choose crystals that will match that intention. (e.g. Rose quartz for love, Citrine for abundance, etc). 


You can use glass, wood, ceramic, paper, etc. for a template or use no template.  If you glue your crystals to your template, your crystals will not move and you will not have to re-activate your grid because of crystals being moved. However, you will have permanently used these crystals and this template. 

Activating your Grid

Using a single terminated Quartz crystal connect all of the crystals in your grid by pointing the crystal at each one. Then, say out loud as you make a counter clockwise circle over the grid with the quartz: “I program and activate this grid to…..” (Examples – just choose one) Bring prosperity and abundance to me; Allow love to flow in my life; Protect the energy in my home; Allow more joy in my life.

Imagine that there is a forcefield of energy that’s growing stronger and stronger around you grid.

To Check if a Grid is Active 
Use a pendulum to gauge the energy of your grid. Hold the pendulum over the grid and say “check the energy of the grid”. If the pendulum moves in a large circle, you know your grid is activated. If the pendulum does not move or moves in a very small circle, you will need to reactivate your grid.

If a stone gets moved, you must reactivate the grid again. 

There are many ways to make crystal grids, this is just one simple example. 

A good source for crystals and grid templates:

Karen Wilson